Traffic Ranting: Photos from the 101 / 405 Interchange
Here are the photos that go with my Sepulveda Pass piece.
At the top of the grade, the 405 freeway north begins the descent to the 101 interchange at the bottom of the hill. The two lanes on the right will eventually go to the Ventura freeway. The left lanes are continuing north into the Valley.
Typical cracked LA roads on the 405 freeway. On the right is a sound wall. On the other side of the wall is Sepulveda Blvd. In the distance is more signage, but you should have already picked your lane by now!
An orange barrier pole lays on the ground in the lower left of this photo. Farther down, yellow barrels protect wayward drivers on the 405 freeway. These barrels are usually filled with water or sand to help stop a car from crashing into the steel barriers behind them — or anyone else. Cars on the left have committed to continuing north on the 405. Cars on the right are going to the 101, or Ventura freeway.
An the improved section of the 405 freeway becomes the familiar LA highway in the sky. Ventura Blvd. and the Sherman Oaks Galleria are on the right.