Shamrocks from Los Angeles

I was out in the garden and found some variegated shamrocks.  I thought I’d send you all an early St. Patrick’s Day present.

Actually, these are Wood Sorrell, aka clover.  They’re so pretty I’m thinking of turning them into greeting cards for my store, what do you think?
Here’s some info on shamrocks from my gardening website, theGardenPages:

Oxalis acetosella, or wood sorrel is another plant called shamrock.  Oxalis is a perennial plant that grows about 5 inches high.  They spreads easily by rhizomes and can become invasive. These shamrocks like part shade and moist, woodland conditions.  Oxalis is commonly called clover and has white, five petaled  flowers sometimes tinted with purple or pink.  Oxalis is usually three-leaved. Indoors they like bright, indirect sunlight and somewhat damp soil.

Three leaved clovers are worn as protective amulets.  They were used by St. Patrick to demonstrate the concept of the Holy Trinity while converting the Druids to Christianity.

Four leaved clovers are considered lucky and protective.  They are said to help the wearer find treasure.

Some Irish botanists say the Irish Shamrock only exists on St. Patrick’s Day.